Intimation u/r 30 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 - Credit Rating Dated August 3,2023

This is to inform the stock exchanges that CRISIL Ratings Limited, the Credit Rating Agency, has revised its outlook to ‘Stable’ from ‘Negative’ while reaffirming its rating CRISIL BBB+ to long term bank facilities and reaffirmed CRISIL A2 to short term bank facilities of the Company.

CRISIL Ratings has also withdrawn its rating on Rs.71.46 crore long-term bank facility as the same has been paid in full.

Intimation u/r 30 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 - Credit Rating

This is to inform the stock exchanges that CRISIL Limited, the Credit Rating Agency, has assigned CRISIL BBB+/Negative (Downgraded from ‘CRISIL A-/Stable’) to long term bank facilities and CRISIL A2 (Downgraded from ‘CRISIL A2+’) to short term bank facilities of the Company. Click Here to view the Intimation.